Holy Breakfast, Baresman!

In the central ritual of Zoroastrianism, the Yasna, while the priests are reciting their professions of faith and the hymns of Zarathushtra, thanking God for his blessings, opposing the forces of evil, asking that all people have freedom to follow their consciences (yup, that’s in there too), there’s a few other things they are doing … Read more

I curse the Eddorians

I’ve noticed some remarkable similarities between a classic of pulp space opera and a classic of ancient religion.  If you don’t want spoilers for either Zoroastrianism or the Lensman series by “Doc” Smith, you should stop reading now. Not every Zoroastrian would agree with every single point herein (the non-omnipotence of the Wise Lord, as … Read more

I pledge myself to the well-spoken word

Yesterday’s tragic shooting in Tucson has given me much pause for thought. See, I’m part of the problem in some sense. I don’t carry a gun to political rallies (or anywhere else).  I don’t publicly call for the “targeting” of politicians or the use of “Second Amendment remedies”.  But in private?  In private, with my … Read more