Each word is linked (or will be, when I finish this particular update …) to the corresponding lemma in TLA.
Feminines are sorted without their -t. Masculines with singulars formed by adding -w or -j added to their roots will be written with a dot before the ending. Masculines which end in -t have “(masc.)” in the entry.
Verbs are listed with their classes, e.g. “2-lit.”, “3ae-gem.”, etc.
𓄿 ꜣ
- 𓍋𓃀𓃰𓅱𓎶𓈉 ꜣbw Elephantine
- 𓄿𓇹𓂧𓅱 ꜣbd “month”, var. 𓇹 in dates; var. trans. jbd
- 𓅜𓐍𓏜 ꜣḫ (2-lit.) “(be) effective, useful”
- 𓅜𓏤 ꜣḫ(j) “akh, effective and complete being in afterlife”
- 𓆷𓐍𓏏 ꜣḫ.t “Akhet (Inundation)” (season), var. 𓄿𓆷𓐍𓏏
𓇋 j
- 𓇋𓄿𓂋𓂋𓁼 jꜣrr (3ae-gem.) “(be, become) weak, clouded (eyes)”
- 𓇍 jj, jjj (anom.) “come, return”
- Base stem: 𓇍 j, var. 𓇍𓇋𓂻 jj, 𓇍𓏭𓂻
- Geminated stem: 𓂻𓅱 jw, var. 𓂻𓏲; 𓂻𓅱𓅱 jww
- 𓇋𓅱 jw (part.)
- Used in a variety of sentence structures.
- 𓄣𓏤 jb “heart”; used for “mind”
- 𓇋𓊪𓏏𓍛𓏏 jpt-ḥmt “Her incarnation is select” (11th lunar month, M.K.), var. 𓇋𓊪𓏛𓍛𓏏𓏤𓋴𓎱 jpt-ḥmt.s
- 𓇋𓊪𓇋𓊪𓏯𓎱𓇳 jpjp “Ip-ip (?)” (11th lunar month, N.K.)
- Probably derived from 𓇋𓊪𓏏𓍛𓏏 jpt-ḥmt, the same month in M.K.
- 𓇋𓅓 jm see 𓅓 m
- 𓇋𓌳𓄪𓐍 jmꜣḫ (4-lit.) “(be) revered, honored”
- 𓇋𓌳𓄪𓐍𓇋𓇋 jmꜣḫy “revered one”, var. 𓇋𓌳𓄪𓐍𓅱 jmꜣḫw
- 𓇋𓅓𓂜 jmj (3ae-inf., def.) “not to be, not to do”
- 𓏶𓅓𓏭𓏏𓅱 jmjtw “between, among”
- 𓏶𓅓𓏏𓅱𓈖𓏮 jmjtw-nj (adv.) “between (those/them), among (those/them)”
- 𓇋𓏠𓈖𓀭 jmn “Amun” (god)
- var. 𓇋𓏠𓈖𓁩
- 𓇋𓏠𓈖𓇳𓏤𓀭 jmn-rꜥ “Amun-Ra” (god)
- 𓇋𓈖 jn “by”
- 𓇋𓆛𓈖𓏏𓈉 jnt “valley, wadi”
- 𓏎𓈖 jnj (3ae-inf.) “bring, fetch, use”
- 𓇋𓂋 jr see 𓂋 r
- 𓁹𓏏𓏤 jrt “eye”
- 𓁹 jrj (3ae-inf.) “do, make”
- 𓇋𓂋𓏭𓀸𓏜 jr.j “keeper, companion, guard” (lit. “one who pertains to”)
- 𓇋𓂋𓏭𓀸𓏛𓂋𓂧𓂾𓂾 jr.j-rdwj “attendant, footman” (lit. “companion at the feet”)
- 𓇋𓐍𓏛 jḫ “what?”
- Replaces a dependent pronoun with an interrogative, but only about things and not persons.
- 𓇋𓐍𓏏 jḫ.t see 𓐍𓏏𓏛 ḫ.t
- 𓇋𓇩𓉐𓏤 jz “tomb”
- 𓇋𓊃𓆑𓏏𓅪 jzft “evil, wrong, chaos”; the opposite of Maat
- 𓊨𓁹 jsjr “Osiris” (god), var. translit. wsjr
- Written 𓊩𓁹 or 𓁹𓊩 in later periods.
- 𓊨𓏏𓆇 jst “Isis” (goddess), var. translit. ꜣst
- 𓇋𓋴𓍿 jsṯ (part.) marks subordinate clauses, var. 𓇋𓋴𓏏 jst
- 𓇋𓈙𓂋𓃭𓊖 jšr.w “sacred lake at Karnak”
- 𓇋𓍱𓊃𓀁 jšst “what?”
- Replaces a dependent or independent pronoun with an interrogative, but only about things and not persons.
- 𓇋𓈎𓂋𓏜 jqr (3-lit.)”(be) successful, excellent”
- 𓇋𓏏𓀀 jtj “father” var. 𓇋𓏏𓆑𓀀, 𓏏𓆑𓀀
- Note unusual use of the viper 𓆑 as determinative.
𓂝 ꜥ
- 𓂝𓏤 ꜥ “arm, hand”
- 𓉻𓂝𓄿𓈐 ꜥꜣ “here”
- 𓉻𓂝𓄿𓏛 ꜥꜣj (3ae-inf.) “(be) large, important, great”
- 𓐢𓂋𓏛 ꜥpr “equip, (be) equipped”, var. 𓂝𓊪𓂋𓐢
- 𓋹𓈖𓐍 ꜥnḫ (3-lit.) “live”
- 𓋹𓍑𓋴 ꜥnḫ.w wḏꜣ.w snb.w “life! prosperity! health!” (wish formula)
- 𓍼𓈎𓇋𓇋𓇳 ꜥrq.y “last day of the month”
- 𓊢𓂝𓂻 ꜥḥꜥ (3-lit.) “stand up, (be) present, steadfast”
- 𓊢𓂝𓅱𓇳 ꜥḥꜥ.w “period of time, lifetime”
- 𓊢𓂝𓈖 ꜥḥꜥ.n “then” (in narratives; lit. “stood up”)
𓅱, 𓏲 w
- 𓃂𓈗 wꜥb (3-lit.) “(be) clean, pure; purify”
- 𓅱𓃀𓈖𓇶 wbn (3-lit.) “shine; rise” (of the sun)
- 𓄎 wp(t)-rnpt “opening of the year”, New Year’s Day, var. 𓄍
- 𓃹𓈖𓉿𓂡 wn (2-lit.) “open”
- 𓃹𓈖𓇋𓈖 wn.jn “then” (in narratives; lit. “then existed”), var. 𓇬𓈖𓇋𓈖
- 𓃹𓈖𓐍𓂋 wn.ḫr var. of 𓃹𓈖𓇋𓈖 wn.jn “then” in Dynasty 18
- 𓃹𓈖𓈖 wnn (2ae-gem.) “exist, be”
- The base stem of wnn is wn.
- 𓅨𓂋 wr “great, important, elder”
- 𓅨𓂋 wr “how much?”, “how great?”
- 𓅨𓂋𓏏 wr.t “very”
- Note that this modifies adjectival predicates and has .t even though an adjectival predicate is always in masculine form.
- 𓅨𓂋𓆓𓀉 wrḏ (3-lit.) “(be) tired, weary”
- 𓄙𓅓 wḥm (3-lit.) “repeat”
- 𓊨𓁹 wsjr see jsjr
- 𓅱𓂧 wdj (3ae-inf.) “put, place”
- 𓅱𓍑𓄿𓏜 wḏꜣ (3-lit.) “(be) sound, intact, unhurt”
𓃀 b
- 𓅡𓏤 bꜣ “ba, soul”
- 𓃀𓅡𓎼𓀉 bꜣgj (4ae-inf.) “(be) lazy”
- 𓆤𓏏𓏤 bjt “bee”
- 𓆤𓏏𓏊 bjt “honey”
- 𓃀𓅱 bw “place, location”
𓊪 p
- 𓊪𓈖𓇋𓊪𓏏𓉐 pꜣ-n-jpt “the one of Karnak” (2nd lunar month, N.K.)
- 𓊪𓈖𓍹𓇋𓏠𓈖𓅆𓊵𓏏𓊪𓍺𓅆 p(ꜣ)-n-jmn-ḥtp “the one of Amenhotep” (7th lunar month, N.K.)
- 𓊪𓈖𓇋𓆛𓈖𓏏𓈉 p(ꜣ)-n-jnt “the one of the valley” (10th lunar month, N.K.)
- 𓊪𓈖𓅯𓄿𓅓𓂝𓐍𓏭𓃭𓏤𓉐 p(ꜣ)-n-pꜣ-mḫ(j)rw “the one of the censer” (6th lunar month, N.K.)
- 𓊪𓈖𓂋𓈖𓏌𓏲𓏏𓆇𓆗 p(ꜣ)-n-rn(n)-wt(t) “the one of Rennutet” (8th lunar month, N.K.)
- 𓊪𓈖𓐍𓈖𓇓𓅱 p(ꜣ)-n-ḫnsw “the one of Khonsu” (9th lunar month, N.K.)
- 𓊪𓅱𓏏𓂋 pw-tr see ptr
- 𓉐𓏤 pr “house”
- 𓉐𓂋𓂻 prj (3ae-inf.) “emerge, issue forth, go up”
- 𓊪𓂋𓇋𓆶𓂡𓏥 prj “battlefield”
- 𓉐𓂋𓏏𓇳 pr.t “Peret (Emergence)” (season)
- 𓊪𓎛𓄖𓂻 pḥ (2-lit.) “reach, attack”
- 𓊪𓆑𓊃𓊮 psj (3ae-inf.) “cook, bake, heat up (food)”
- Note strange spelling with 𓆑. Evidently this derived from an earlier verb beginning with f and the old radical was still written.
- 𓇷𓏏𓏥𓊹 psḏt “the Ennead” (gods of Heliopolis) (lit. “the nine”)
- 𓊪𓏏𓇯 pt “sky”
- 𓊪𓏏𓏭𓆵𓀁 ptj see ptr
- 𓊪𓏏𓂋𓆵𓀁 ptr “who? what?”, var. 𓊪𓏏𓏭𓆵𓀁, 𓊪𓏏𓆵𓀁
- Replaces an independent pronoun with an interrogative.
- 𓊪𓏏𓎛𓀭 ptḥ “Ptah” (god)
𓆑 f
- 𓆑𓄿𓀋𓂡 fꜣj (3ae-inf.) “carry, lift”
𓅓, 𓐛 m
- 𓅓 m “in”, “as (in the role of)”, “from inside”, “(made) of”
- 𓇋𓅓 jm is the form used with personal pronouns, or as an adverb.
- m has a number of meanings that do not match English “in” very clearly.
- 𓅓𓂟𓎡 m.k (part.) “look, see, behold!”
- For a masc. sing. listener. For fem. sing. end in 𓍿 ṯ or 𓏏 t; for plural, 𓍿𓈖𓏥 ṯn or 𓏏𓈖𓏥 tn
- 𓌴𓁹𓄿𓄿 mꜣꜣ (2ae-gem.) “see, regard”, var. 𓌵𓄿𓄿
- Irregular infinitive; third radical sometimes written as n: 𓌴𓁹𓄿𓈖
- 𓌶𓂝𓏏𓏜 mꜣꜥt “truth, justice, the right order of things”
- Often left untranslated as ma’at or maat.
- 𓂟𓅓 m(j) “who(m)? what?”, var. 𓅖
- Replaces a dependent pronoun with an interrogative.
- 𓏇𓇋 mj “like, as, according to, as well as”
- 𓏇𓇋𓇋 mjj (adv.) “like, likewise”
- 𓏇𓇋𓅱𓃠 mjw “(tom)cat”
- 𓏇𓇋𓅱𓏏𓃠 mjwt “(she-)cat”
- 𓅐𓏏𓁐 mjwt “mother”, var. tr. mwt
- 𓈗 mw “water”
- 𓅓𓏏𓏱 mwt (3-lit.) “die”
- 𓅓𓅓 mm(j) var. 𓅔, 𓅔𓂟 “among (them), amid”
- 𓏠𓈖𓏛 mn (2-lit.) “be set, fixed, remain, established”
- 𓏠𓈖𓐍𓏏𓋲 mnḫt “clothing”
- Also name of 2nd lunar month, M.K.
- 𓏠𓈖𓍿𓀭 mnṯ(w) “Montu” (god)
- 𓌻𓂋𓀁 mrj (3ae-inf.) “want, desire, love”
- 𓎔𓏛 mḥ (2-lit.) “(be) full”, var. 𓎔
- Used before cardinal numbers above 9 to make the ordinal forms.
- 𓎔𓂣 mḥ “cubit (rod)”
- 𓅓𓊄 mz (2-lit.) “bring in, introduce, present”, var. 𓅓𓂝𓊄𓂻
- 𓄟𓋴 msj (3ae-inf.) “give birth (to)”
- 𓄟𓋴𓅱𓏏𓇳𓏤𓀭 mswt-rꜥ “birth of Ra” (12th lunar month, N.K.)
- 𓌃𓂧𓅱𓀁 mdwj (4ae-inf.) “speak, say”
𓈖, 𓋔 n
- 𓈖 n “to, for”
- 𓈖 nj “belonging to, of”
- 𓂜 nj (part.) “not”
- 𓊖𓏏𓏤 njwt “town, settlement”, var. 𓊖𓊖
- 𓊖𓏏𓏭 njwtj “local”
- 𓎟 nb “all, every, any”
- 𓎟 𓀀 nb “lord, master, owner”
- 𓎟𓏏𓁐 nbt “lady, mistress, owner”
- 𓉠𓏏𓆇 nbt-ḥwt “Nephthys” (goddess)
- var. 𓎟𓏏𓉗𓏏𓉐𓁐, 𓉠𓏏𓁐
- 𓋞𓈓 nbw “gold”
- 𓄤𓆑𓂋 nfr “good, beautiful, perfect”
- 𓄤𓅱𓅪𓏥 nfr.w “deficiency, depletion”
- Used for zero results in ledgers and mathematical texts.
- 𓂜𓈖 nn (part.) “not”
- 𓈖𓉔𓏭𓅪𓈒𓏥 nhj “a little, few”
- 𓅘𓎛𓃀𓂕𓂓𓂓𓂓𓎱 nḥb-kꜣw “apportioner of Kas” (4th lunar month, M.K.)
- 𓈖𓈟𓅓𓀜 nḥm (3-lit.) “take away”
- 𓈖𓈟𓅓𓂡𓈖 nḥmn (part.) “really, seriously”
- 𓇓𓏏𓈖 nswt (masc.) “king”
- Never used for the king of a country other than Egypt, only the king of Egypt or of its gods. If the distinction matters, nswt is king of Upper Egypt. Foreign rulers are merely 𓋾𓈎𓄿𓀀 ḥqꜣ “ruler” or 𓅨𓂋 wr “elder”.
- Irregular plural 𓇓𓏏𓈖𓇌𓏲𓅆𓏪 nsyw in Westcar Papyrus.
- 𓈖𓏏𓂝𓏤𓏛𓏥 nt-ꜥ “custom, practice, ritual” (lit. “what belongs to the hand”)
- 𓊹𓏤 nṯr “god” (
), var. 𓊹𓀭- 𓊹𓂋𓏏𓆗 nṯrt “goddess”
- 𓈖𓆓𓋴𓅪 nḏs (3-lit.) “(be) small”
𓂋 r
- 𓂋 r “with respect to, regarding, than”
- At beginning of sentence 𓇋𓂋 jr; also occasionally thus before personal pronouns.
- 𓂋𓆑 r.f (as part.) “regarding it” (referring to previous sentence)
- 𓂋𓏤𓊪𓅱 r-pw “whichever”, sometimes functions like “or”
- 𓇳𓏤𓀭 rꜥ “Ra” (god)
- var. 𓂋𓂝𓇴𓅆, 𓁚, 𓁛
- 𓂋𓂝𓇳𓏤 rꜥ “sun”, var. 𓇳𓏤
- 𓂋𓏤 rꜥ “mouth”, var. translit. r
- 𓂋𓍿𓀀𓁐𓏥 rmṯ “people”
- 𓂋𓈖 rn “name”
- 𓆳𓏏𓏤 rnpt “year”
- 𓂋𓈖𓈖𓅱𓏏𓏏𓆗 rnn.wtt “Rennutet” (goddess)
- 𓂋𓐍𓏜 rḫ (2-lit.) “experience, learn”, in some forms or contexts “know”
- 𓂋𓎡𓇳 rk “era, time, age”
- 𓂋𓎡𓎛𓊮 rkḥ (3-lit.) “light (fire), burn up”
- 𓂋𓎡𓎛𓉻𓎱 rkḥ-ꜥꜣ “Great Burning” (6th lunar month, M.K.)
- 𓂋𓎡𓎛𓅪𓎱 rkḥ-nḏs “Little Burning” (7th lunar month, M.K.)
- 𓂋𓂧𓇟 rd (2-lit.) “grow”
- 𓂋𓂞 rdj (anom.) “give”, “cause”, “permit”, var. 𓂋𓏙, 𓂋𓂝
- Base stem: 𓂋𓂞 rdj or dj 𓏙, var. 𓂞, 𓂝
- Geminated stem: dd 𓏙𓏙, var. 𓂞𓂞, 𓂝𓂝
- Originally rḏj.
𓉔 h
𓎛 ḥ
- 𓇉𓄿𓀁 ḥꜣ (part.) “if only, I wish”, var. 𓎛𓄿
- Also 𓇉𓄿𓀁𓄿 ḥꜣ ꜣ, 𓇉𓄿𓀁 ḥꜣ, var. 𓎛𓄿, 𓎛𓅱𓏭𓀁𓄿 ḥwj ꜣ, 𓎛𓅱𓄿 ḥw(j) ꜣ
- 𓇉𓄿 ḥꜣ (prep.) “behind, around”
- 𓄂𓏏𓏤 ḥꜣt “before, in front of”
- 𓈟𓏏𓁐 ḥjmt “woman, wife”, var. tr. ḥmt
- 𓊹𓈟𓏏𓅨𓏏 ḥjmt-nswt-wrt “queen of Egypt” (lit. “Great King’s Wife”)
- 𓉗𓏏𓉐 ḥwt “enclosure”
- 𓊹𓉗𓏏𓉐 ḥwt-nṯr “temple” (“god’s enclosure”)
- 𓉡 ḥwt-ḥr.w “Hathor” (goddess)
- 𓉗𓏏𓉐𓁷𓂋𓆗 ḥwt-ḥr(w) “Hathor” (3rd lunar month, N.K.)
- 𓎛𓀝𓂡 ḥwj (3ae-inf.) “hit, smite, strike”
- If the object is a place, means “visit”, like English “hit the town”.
- 𓎛𓅱𓏭𓀁𓄿 ḥwj ꜣ see 𓇉𓄿𓀁 ḥꜣ
- 𓎛𓆑𓄫𓅱𓆚 ḥfꜣ.w “snake”
- 𓎛𓆑𓄿𓏏𓆙 ḥfꜣt “female snake”
- 𓍛𓏤𓅆 ḥm “incarnation, Majesty”
- Allen 2014 et al. translates this as “incarnation”, as in a particular pharaoh as a manifestation of Egyptian kingship, but it was long translated as “majesty” because of expressions like ḥm.f “His Incarnation”, “His Majesty” being used for the king. Like nswt, it is a term that foreign kings cannot have, only the Egyptian one.
- 𓍛𓏲𓀀 ḥm.w “servant”
- 𓍛𓏏𓁐 ḥmt “female servant”
- 𓊹𓍛 ḥm-nṯr “priest” (“god’s servant”)
- 𓈟𓊃𓀂 ḥmsj (4ae-inf.) “sit, reside”
- Note determinative A3 rather than the more common and similar A1.
- 𓎛𓈖𓂝 ḥnꜥ “with, together with”, sometimes functions like “and”
- 𓎛𓈖𓂝𓏥 ḥnꜥw (adv.) “together (with)”
- 𓎛𓈎𓏏𓏋 ḥnqt “beer”
- Note n usually omitted in writing. Sometimes transliterated ḥqt accordingly.
- 𓁷𓏤 ḥr “upon”
- 𓆳𓁷𓂋𓅱𓇳𓏤𓏤𓏤𓏤𓏤 ḥr.jw-rnpt “those over the year”, the five epagomenal days after the 12th month; var. 𓆳𓏏𓐃𓁷𓂋𓅱𓇳
- 𓅃𓀭 ḥr.w “Horus” (god), var. 𓅃
- 𓁷𓂋𓈐 hrj (3ae-inf.) “(be) far”
- 𓁨 ḥḥ “a million, innumerable, countless”
- 𓋾𓈎𓄿𓀀 ḥqꜣ “ruler”
- 𓊵𓏏𓊪 ḥtp (3-lit.) “(be) calm, contented; occupy (place, seat)”
- 𓇓𓏏𓊵𓏙 ḥtp-dj-nswt “royal offering”, “an offering the king gives”
- 𓌉𓆓𓇳 ḥḏ (2-lit.) “(be) bright, white, silver”
𓐍 ḫ
- ḫ.t anchor
- ḫ.t anchor
- 𓐍𓏏𓏛 ḫt “thing, property”, var. 𓇋𓐍𓏏
- If used to mean “something, anything”, is treated as masculine.
- 𓈍𓂝 ḫꜥj (3ae-inf.) “appear”
- 𓐍𓏏𓆑 ḫft “opposite, before, facing, according to”
- 𓐍𓏏𓆑𓅱 ḫftw (adv.) “accordingly”
ḫft.j “opponent, enemy”, var. det. 𓀐, 𓀑- 𓐍𓂋 ḫr “near, in the presence of”
- 𓊤𓅱𓀁 ḫrw “voice”
- 𓐍𓈖𓇓𓅱 ḫns.w “Khonsu” (god)
- 𓏃𓈖𓏏 ḫnt “in front of, before” (in order of)
- 𓏃𓈖𓏏𓅱 ḫntw (adv.) “at the front of, before”
- 𓏃𓈖𓏏𓄡𓍘𓇋𓇋𓉐𓏤𓂋𓏏𓏭𓅆 ḫnt-ẖty-prtj “Khentekhty-perti” (10th lunar month, M.K.)
- 𓏃𓈖𓏏𓏭𓊛 ḫntj (4ae-inf.) “sail upstream, go south”
- 𓆱𓏏𓏤 ḫt (masc.) “wood, tree, stick”
- 𓆱𓐍𓏏𓂻 ḫt “through, throughout”
- 𓆱𓐍𓏏𓂽 ḫtj (3ae-inf.) “retreat”
- Note the determinative is “legs walking backwards”, so walking opposite to most of the figures in the text.
𓄡 ẖ
- 𓂙𓈖𓏏𓊛 ẖnt “water procession, voyage”
- 𓂙𓈖𓏏𓊛𓉗𓁷𓂋𓅆 ẖnt-ḥwt-ḥr(w) “voyage of Hathor” (3rd lunar month, M.K.)
- 𓎸𓏏𓁐 ẖnmt “nurse” (epithet of Isis, Nephthys, and Hathor)
- 𓎸𓃝 ẖnmw “Khnum” (god)
- 𓌨𓂋 ẖr “under, beneath”
- 𓄡𓂋𓂧𓀔 ẖrd “child”
- 𓄡𓏏𓏤 ẖt “belly, womb”
𓊃 z
- 𓊃𓀀𓏤 z.j “man”
- 𓅭𓀀 zꜣ “son”, var. 𓅭𓏤 ; 𓆇𓏤 appears from Dyn. 18
- 𓅭𓏏𓁐 zꜣt “daughter”
- 𓊄𓏭𓏛 zj see zy
- 𓊄𓇌 zy “which (one)?”, var. 𓊄𓏭𓏛, 𓊄
- Can be used alone or before a noun.
- 𓊃𓊪𓊗 zp “time (instance, iteration)”, var. 𓊗
- This is used for things like “five times”, not “a long time”.
- 𓏞𓀀 zẖꜣ.w “scribe”
- Transliterated zš, sš in older texts, now thought incorrectly.
- 𓊃𓈙𓈙𓏏𓏣 zššt “sistrum”
- var. 𓊃𓈙𓈙𓏏𓏣𓂝 in Sinuhe.
𓋴 s
- 𓋴𓊪𓏏𓈈 spꜣt “nome” (district of Egypt)
- 𓋴𓆑𓇳 sf “yesterday”
- 𓋴𓌳𓄿𓌪𓂡 smꜣ (3-lit.) “kill”
- 𓌢𓈖𓀀 sn “brother, sibling”
- 𓌢𓈖𓏏𓁐 snt “sister”, sometimes “beloved”
- 𓋴𓏏𓄡𓀭 stẖ “Set” (god)
- var. 𓋴𓏏𓈙𓀭 stš (O.K.), 𓇓𓏲𓏏𓐍𓀭 swtḫ (N.K.), 𓃩
- 𓄔𓅓 sḏm (3-lit.) “hear”
- This verb is traditionally used as the paradigm verb for most verb forms in Egyptian.
𓈙 š
- 𓆄𓅱𓀭 šw “Shu” (god)
- 𓀻𓋴𓋴 špss (3ae-gem.) “(be) ennobled”
- 𓈙𓆑𓇣𓏏𓏤 šf-bdt “Swelling of Emmer-wheat” (5th lunar month, M.K.)
- 𓈙𓈗𓇳 šm.w “Shemu (Harvest)” (season)
- 𓈝𓅓𓂻 šmj (3ae-inf.) “go, walk, traverse”
𓈎 q
- 𓈎𓃀𓃀𓏁𓈗𓏜 qbb (2ae-gem.) “(become) cool, calm”
𓎡 k
- 𓂓𓏤 kꜣ “ka (spirit), vital force”
- 𓂓𓁷𓏤𓂓 kꜣ-ḥr-kꜣ “Ka upon Ka” (4th lunar month, N.K.)
- 𓎡𓇌 ky “other, another”
- 𓆎𓅓𓏏𓊖 kmt “Egypt” (lit. “Black land”)
𓎼 g
𓏏 t
- 𓏏𓏐𓏒 t (masc.) “bread”, var. 𓏏𓏒𓏥
- 𓇾 tꜣ “land”
- 𓇾𓇾 tꜣ.wj “The Two Lands” (Egypt)
- 𓏏𓄿𓂝𓃀𓏏𓏯𓎱𓇳 tꜣ-ꜥ(ꜣ)bt “The Offering” (5th lunar month, N.K.)
- 𓁶𓏤 tp “atop, above”, var. with pronouns 𓁶𓊪
- 𓁶𓏤 tp “head”
- 𓁶𓊪𓏭 tp.j “first”, “top”, “chief”
- 𓌐 tp.j “first”, used with first month of a season
- 𓏏𓍃𓅓 tm (2-lit.) “not do, fail to do”
- 𓏏𓂋𓆵𓇳 tr “season, time”
- 𓏏𓂋𓆵𓀁 tr (part.) “really? actually?”
𓍿 ṯ
- 𓍿𓈖𓏌𓅱𓌙𓅯 ṯnw “each, every”
𓂧 d
- 𓁶𓏤 dp see 𓁶𓏤 tp
- 𓂧𓋴𓏊 ds “jug”, unit of liquid measure
- 𓂧𓎼𓁹 dgj (3ae-inf.) “look, behold”
- 𓂧𓏏𓏤 dt see 𓂧𓏏𓏤 ḏrt
- 𓂧𓈙𓂋𓅟 dšr (3-lit.) “(be) red”
𓆓 ḏ
- 𓂭 ḏbꜥ “10,000”
- 𓆓𓃀𓂝𓂭 ḏbꜥ “finger, toe”
- 𓆓𓈖𓀜 ḏn (2-lit.) “thresh (grain)”
- 𓇥𓂋 ḏr “since”, (adv.) “over, to the end, finally”
- 𓇥𓂋𓅱𓈐 ḏr.w “limit, boundary”, var. translit. ḏr
- 𓂧𓏏𓏤 ḏrt “hand”
- Note writing with the d glyph as ideogram for “hand”.
- 𓅝𓏏𓏭𓅆 ḏḥ “Thoth” (god), var. 𓅝
- 𓅝𓏏𓏭𓅆𓎱𓇳 ḏḥ “Thoth” (1st lunar month, N.K.)
- 𓂦𓂋 ḏsr (3-lit) “(be) sacred” var. 𓂦
- ḏsr (adj.) “sacred”
- 𓂧𓎼𓁹 dgꜣ, dgy (3ae-inf.) “behold, see, look at”
- 𓆓𓏏𓇾 ḏt “forever” (in linear time)
- 𓆓𓂧 ḏd (2-lit.) “say, speak”