Noun Phrases

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Nouns can be written consecutively, as a phrase, for three purposes: apposition (where both refer to the same thing), conjunction (an “and” or “or” relationship), or as a direct genitive phrase (where one noun is “of” the other, like a possession or a property, like “Statue of Liberty”).

Additionally, a genitive phrase can be made by using an indirect genitive, with a special adjective linking the nouns.


This is when two adjacent nouns refer to the same thing in different ways: “your friend Bob” or “Helen the chairperson.” Egyptian allows such phrases as well: π“…­π“€π“Ž‘π“…ƒπ“€­ zꜣ.k αΈ₯rw “your son Horus”, π“ŠΉπ“›π“‡‹π“ π“ˆ–π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ αΈ₯m-nαΉ―r jmn-αΈ₯tp “the priest Amenhotep”.


Two adjacent words could also be a pair that in English would be joined with the conjunctions “and” or “or”: 𓅭𓏀𓅭𓏏𓁐 zꜣ zꜣt could mean “son and daughter” or “son or daughter”.

While Egyptian did not have a true word for “and” or “or”, there were ways to be less ambiguous. For “and”, one could use either of two prepositions:  π“Ž›π“ˆ–𓂝 αΈ₯nκœ₯ “with, together with” or 𓁷𓏀 αΈ₯r “upon”, in a phrase like π“π“π“’π“Ž›π“ˆ–π“‚π“Ž›π“ˆŽπ“π“‹ t αΈ₯nκœ₯ αΈ₯nqt “bread with beer” or π“π“π“’π“·π“€π“Ž›π“ˆŽπ“π“‹ t αΈ₯r αΈ₯nqt “bread upon beer”. The use of “upon” is probably the same idea as “on top of” in an English sentence like “And on top of all that, he still …”

To get the meaning of “or”, there is a phrase 𓂋𓏀π“Šͺβ€Œπ“…± r-pw which functions as a “whichever” at the end of a list of words: π“‡‹π“ π“ˆ–π“€­π“Šͺπ“π“Ž›π“€­π“‡³π“€π“€­π“‚‹π“€π“Šͺβ€Œπ“…± jmn ptαΈ₯ rκœ₯ r-pw “Amun, Ptah, or Re” (literally “Amun, Ptah, Re, whichever”).

Direct Genitives

Finally, a noun phrase could express possession or connection, where the first noun is “owned by” or “of” the second:

π“ŠΉπ“€π“†Žβ€Œπ“…“β€Œπ“π“Š– nαΉ―r km.t “god of Egypt”
π“…­π“€π“…β€Œπ“π“­π“ zꜣ “son of the two mothers”

There is a special rule about direct genitives: nothing is permitted to come between the two nouns (but there are exceptions). If the first (“possessed”) noun has any adjectives (“the man’s good daughter”, i.e. “the good daughter of the man”), there are two options:

  1. Move the adjective to the end of the noun phrase: zꜣ.t nfr.t zj (“daughter good man”) is not permitted, so it must be phrased as π“…­π“π“π“Šƒπ“€€π“€π“„€π“†‘π“‚‹π“ zꜣ.t zj nfr.t “daughter-of-man good”.
    • But if the two nouns would use the same form of the adjective, this can be ambiguous. If it were “son” instead of “daughter”, it would be π“…­π“€π“Šƒπ“€€π“€π“„€π“†‘π“‚‹ zꜣ zj nfr, and could mean “a son of a good man” or “a man’s good son”.
  2. Use the indirect genitive as described below: π“…­π“π“π“„€π“†‘π“‚‹π“π“ˆ–π“β€Œπ“Šƒπ“€€π“€ zꜣ.t nfr.t n.t zj “daughter good of man”, π“…­π“€π“„€π“†‘π“‚‹π“ˆ–β€Œπ“Šƒπ“€€π“€ zꜣ nfr n zj “son good of man”.


So if there’s no helpful αΈ₯nκœ₯, αΈ₯r, or r-pw, the relationship between two nouns must be determined by context and what simply makes the most sense. For example: t αΈ₯nq.t (literally “bread beer”) most likely means “bread and beer” or “bread or beer”; it probably doesn’t mean “bread (which is) beer” like apposition; it probably doesn’t mean “bread of beer” like a direct genitive.

Indirect Genitives

A less ambiguous way to express the “of” relationship is by using a special genitival adjective to link the two nouns. This works like an adjective on the first noun, relating it to the second noun, and in Middle Egyptian, its form often corresponds with the noun it modified (the first noun in the pair): π“ˆ– n for masculine singular, π“Œπ“€ nw for masculine plural and dual, and π“ˆ–π“ nt for feminine, regardless of number. That said, even by Middle Egyptian, it is being written more and more frequently as just π“ˆ– n in all cases.

When an indirect genitive is used, all the other adjectives of the first noun come along with the genitival adjective:

π“ŠΉπ“€π“ŽŸπ“„€π“†‘π“‚‹π“ƒ‚β€Œπ“ˆ—π“ˆ–β€Œπ“Š–π“π“€ nαΉ―r nb nfr wκœ₯b n njwt “every good and clean god of the city”.

Indirect genitives: forms of the genetival adjective

Gender and numberGenitival adjectiveExample
Masculine singularπ“ˆ– nπ“…­π“€π“ˆ–π“‡“β€Œπ“π“ˆ– zꜣ n nswt
β€œthe son of the king”
Masculine dual or pluralπ“Œπ“€ nwπ“Œ’π“ˆ–π“²π“­π“€€β€Œπ“€€π“Œπ“€π“‰ π“π“†‡ snwj nw nbt-αΈ₯wt
β€œthe two brothers of Nephthys”
Feminine (any number)π“ˆ–π“ ntπ“…­π“π“π“ˆ–π“π“‡³π“€π“€­ zꜣt nt rκœ₯
β€œthe daughter of Ra”
1. In Middle Egyptian these forms were all beginning to be written just as π“ˆ– n.

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