Egyptian Name Meanings

The following page compiles the meanings of various ancient Egyptian names. (I was frustrated at how long it took me to find the meaning of a common name and decided to start a compilation.)

Many (though not all!) Egyptian names are theophoric; that is, “god-bearing”. They contain the name of a god and say something about that god. A lot of these names are “templates” in that you’ll see multiple identical names differing only by god: for example, Amenhotep, Rahotep, Khnumhotep, etc. For such names, I am including three underscores where a god’s name might go. The above examples all fall under “___hotep”.

In cases where a theophoric name has a gender marking (e.g. Mery(t), Djed___iu{f/es}ankh), the gender is determined by that of the person, not the deity. A man beloved by the goddess Neith is Meryneith; a woman beloved by the god Amun is Meritamun.

NameGenderTransliterationVariant spellingsMeaningReferences
Mery___Mmry ___Meri___“beloved of ___” (masc.)
Meryt___Fmry.t ___Merit___“beloved of ___” (fem.)
___ ms
___ ms sw
“___ is born” or
“born of ___”
NofretFnfr.tNefret“beautiful”, “good” (fem.)
NodjemMnḏmNedjem, Nudjem“sweet” (masc.)Derived from feminine at
NodjmetFnḏm.tNedjmet“sweet” (fem.)
HatshepsutFḥꜣt-šps.wt“Foremost of noble ladies”
___ ḥtp___hetep“___ is satisfied”
Djed___iufankhMḏd ___ ꞽw.f ꜤnḫDjed___efankh“___ says: Let him live!”
Djed___iuesankhFḏd ___ ꞽw.s ꜤnḫDjed___esankh“___ says: Let her live!”Derived from masculine at