Unua Libro Kartoj

This deck contains all the roots in Unua Libro, changed to their modern forms (e.g. kiam, not kian, for “when”).Ĉi tiu kartaro enhavas ĉiujn radikojn el Unua Libro, ŝanĝitaj al iliaj modernaj formoj (ekz. kiam, ne kian, por “kiu tempo”).
The cards will randomly display an English definition or an Esperanto root. English is in normal text, and Esperanto is in italic text. Click “Check answer” when you have chosen your answer, and “Got it!” to go to the next card.La kartoj hazarde montros anglan difinon aŭ esperantan radikon. La angla estas en normala teksto, kaj Esperanto estas en kursiva teksto. Alklaku “Check answer” post kiam vi elektas vian respondon, kaj “Got it!” por iri al la sekva karto.

[qdeck card_back=”none” align=”left” random=”true” flip_direction=”left_right” show_first=”random”]

[q] -a

[a] ending for

[q] acid-

[a] acid

[q] aĉet-

[a] buy

[q] ad-

[a] the process or “doing”
of a given activity

e.g. “run” -> “running”

[q] adiaŭ

[a] goodbye

[q] aer-

[a] air

[q] afer-

[a] affair,
business, thing

[q] agl-

[a] eagle

[q] agrabl-

[a] agreeable, nice

[q] aĝ-

[a] age

[q] ajn

[a] “any” or “-ever” as in “wherever, anywhere”, “whatever, anything”, etc.

[q] aĵ-

[a] a thing made of a given substance, or a physical manifestation of a quality

[q] akompan-

[a] accompany

[q] akr-

[a] sharp

[q] akv-

[a] water

[q] al

[a] to, towards

[q] ali-

[a] other

[q] almenaŭ

[a] at least

[q] alt-

[a] high

[q] alumet-

[a] match
(for making fire)

[q] am-

[a] love

[q] amas-

[a] a crowd, mass

[q] amik-

[a] friend

[q] an-

[a] member, adherent, inhabitant

[q] angul-

[a] angle, corner

[q] anĝel-

[a] angel

[q] anim-

[a] soul

[q] ankaŭ

[a] also, too

[q] ankoraŭ

[a] still, yet

[q] anstataŭ

[a] instead of

[q] -ant-

[a] present active participle form

[q] antaŭ

[a] before

[q] apart-

[a] separate, apart, distinct

[q] aparten-

[a] belong, pertain

[q] apenaŭ

[a] barely, scarcely, hardly

[q] apud

[a] near, next to

[q] ar-

[a] collective of things

[q] arb-

[a] tree

[q] arĝent-

[a] silver

[q] -as

[a] ending of a
present tense verb

[q] -at-

[a] present passive participle form

[q] atend-

[a] wait for, expect

[q] aŭ

[a] or, either

[q] aŭd-

[a] hear

[q] aŭskult-

[a] listen to

[q] aŭtun-

[a] autumn

[q] av-

[a] grandfather

[q] avar-

[a] greedy, avaricious

[q] azen-

[a] ass, donkey

[q] babil-

[a] prate, prattle, chatter

[q] bak-

[a] bake

[q] bala-

[a] sweep

[q] balanc-

[a] nod, swing, sway

[q] baldaŭ

[a] soon

[q] ban-

[a] bathe

[q] bapt-

[a] baptize

[q] bar-

[a] bar a door,
stop a passage

[q] barb-

[a] beard

[q] barel-

[a] barrel, cask

[q] baston-

[a] (a) stick

[q] bat-

[a] beat, flog

[q] batal-

[a] fight, struggle

[q] bedaŭr-

[a] pity, regret,

[q] bel-

[a] beautiful

[q] ben-

[a] bless,

[q] benk-

[a] bench

[q] best-

[a] animal, beast

[q] bezon-

[a] need

[q] bier-

[a] beer

[q] bind-

[a] bind

[q] bird-

[a] bird

[q] blank-

[a] white

[q] blov-

[a] blow
(blowing air, not striking)

[q] blu-

[a] blue

[q] bo-

[a] related by marriage,

[q] boj-

[a] bark
(noise, not material)

[q] bol-

[a] boil
(done to liquid)

[q] bon-

[a] good

[q] bord-

[a] seashore,

[q] bot-

[a] boot

[q] botel-

[a] bottle

[q] bov-

[a] cattle, bovine

[q] branĉ-

[a] branch

[q] brand-

[a] brandy

[q] bril-

[a] shine,
sparkle, glitter

[q] bros-

[a] brush

[q] bru-

[a] make a loud noise,

[q] brul-

[a] burn (oneself),
be on fire

[q] brust-

[a] breast, bosom

[q] brut-

[a] brute

[q] buŝ-

[a] mouth

[q] buter-

[a] butter

[q] buton-

[a] button

[q] cel-

[a] aim at,
have as a goal

[q] cent

[a] hundred

[q] cert-

[a] certain, sure

[q] ceter-

[a] remainder,
rest of a thing

[q] cigar-

[a] cigar

[q] cigared-

[a] cigarette

[q] citron-

[a] lemon fruit

[q] ĉagren-

[a] cause grief to, vex,
cause worry to

[q] ĉambr-

[a] room, chamber

[q] ĉap-

[a] cap, bonnet

[q] ĉapel-

[a] hat

[q] ĉar

[a] because

[q] ĉe

[a] at, by, beside

[q] ĉemiz-

[a] shirt

[q] ĉen-

[a] chain,
set of links

[q] ĉeriz-

[a] cherry

[q] ĉerk-

[a] coffin

[q] ĉes-

[a] cease,

[q] ĉeval-

[a] horse

[q] ĉi

[a] the nearest, present,

[q] ĉia

[a] every kind of

[q] ĉiam

[a] always, forever,
at all times

[q] ĉie

[a] everywhere

[q] ĉiel-

[a] sky, heaven

[q] ĉio

[a] everything

[q] ĉirkaŭ

[a] around,
round about

[q] ĉiu

[a] each one,

[q] -ĉj-

[a] masculine
pet name affix

[q] ĉu

[a] whether, if,
forms questions

[q] da

[a] connects a unit of measurement with the thing measured

[q] danc-

[a] dance

[q] danĝer-

[a] danger

[q] dank-

[a] thank

[q] daŭr-

[a] endure, last

[q] de

[a] of, by

[q] decid-

[a] decide

[q] defend-

[a] defend

[q] dek

[a] ten

[q] dekstr-

[a] right
(opposite of left)

[q] demand-

[a] ask, question

[q] dens-

[a] dense, thick

[q] dent-

[a] tooth

[q] detru-

[a] destroy, ruin

[q] dev-

[a] have to,

[q] dezert-

[a] desert,

[q] dezir-

[a] desire

[q] di-

[a] god

[q] dik-

[a] thick, fat, stout

[q] diligent-

[a] diligence

[q] dimanĉ-

[a] Sunday

[q] dir-

[a] tell, say

[q] dis-

[a] asunder,
into parts

[q] disput-

[a] debate,
dispute, argue
(not angrily per se)

[q] divid-

[a] divide, share

[q] dolĉ-

[a] sweet

[q] dolor-

[a] ache, pain

[q] dom-

[a] house

[q] don-

[a] give

[q] donac-

[a] gift,

[q] dorm-

[a] sleep

[q] dors-

[a] back
(opposite of front)

[q] du

[a] two

[q] dum

[a] while, during

[q] -e

[a] inflectional ending
of adverbs

[q] eben-

[a] even, smooth

[q] ebl-

[a] possible

[q] ec-

[a] state of being a certain way, e.g. “red” -> “redness”

[q] eĉ

[a] even (emphatic)
as in e.g.
“I cannot even” or
“why even do it?”

[q] eduk-

[a] educate

[q] edz-

[a] husband

[q] efektiv-

[a] effective, real

[q] eg-

[a] larger, more intense
(“rain” -> “pour”,
“warm” -> “hot”)

[q] egal-

[a] equal, alike

[q] ej-

[a] place of an action
(“pray” -> “church”)

[q] ek-

[a] beginning of action, instantaneous event

[q] eks-

[a] former, ex

[q] ekster

[a] on the outside of, outwardly, out of

[q] ekzempl-

[a] example

[q] el

[a] from, out of

[q] elekt-

[a] choose, choice

[q] em-

[a] inclination, disposition, tendency

[q] en

[a] in, into

[q] enu-

[a] bored, weary, annoyed

[q] envi-

[a] envy

[q] er-

[a] small separate unit or particle of a thing

[q] erar-

[a] err, be wrong

[q] escept-

[a] exclude,

[q] esper-

[a] hope

[q] esprim-

[a] put into words,

[q] est-

[a] be

[q] estim-

[a] esteem,
consider valuable

[q] esting-

[a] extinguish

[q] estr-

[a] leader

[q] et-

[a] diminutive,
less intense
(“laugh” -> “smile”,
“house” -> “cottage”)

[q] etaĝ-

[a] floor, story
(in a building)

[q] etern-

[a] eternal

[q] facil-

[a] easy

[q] faden-

[a] thread

[q] fajf-

[a] whistle, pipe,

[q] fajr-

[a] fire
(flames, not “shoot”)

[q] fal-

[a] fall

[q] fald-

[a] fold
(bend, not “group”)

[q] famili-

[a] family

[q] far-

[a] do, make

[q] fart-

[a] fare, be doing well or badly

[q] feliĉ-

[a] happy

[q] fend-

[a] split, chop

[q] fenestr-

[a] window

[q] fer-

[a] iron

[q] ferm-

[a] close, shut

[q] fest-

[a] feast, celebrate

[q] fianĉ-

[a] fiancé,

[q] fidel-

[a] faithful

[q] fier-

[a] proud, haughty

[q] fil-

[a] son

[q] fin-

[a] finish a thing,
bring a thing
to an end

[q] fingr-

[a] finger

[q] firm-

[a] firm, solid

[q] fiŝ-

[a] fish

[q] flank-

[a] side, flank

[q] flar-

[a] smell
(perceiving the odor,
not causing it)

[q] flav-

[a] yellow

[q] flor-

[a] flower

[q] flu-

[a] flow

[q] flug-

[a] fly
(act of flying, not insect or zipper)

[q] fluid-

[a] fluid, liquid

[q] foj-

[a] time, instance,
occurrence, as in
“how many times”

[q] fojn-

[a] hay

[q] foli-

[a] leaf of a tree,
(of paper, etc.)

[q] fond-

[a] found,

[q] font-

[a] fountain,

[q] for

[a] away (from)

[q] forges-

[a] forget

[q] forĝ-

[a] forge

[q] fork-

[a] fork

[q] forn-

[a] stove, furnace,
oven, kiln

[q] fort-

[a] strong, vigorous

[q] fos-

[a] dig

[q] frap-

[a] beat, hit,
knock, slap

[q] frat-

[a] brother

[q] fraŭl-

[a] bachelor

[q] freŝ-

[a] fresh

[q] fromaĝ-

[a] cheese

[q] frost-

[a] frost, coldness

[q] frot-

[a] rub

[q] fru-

[a] early

[q] frukt-

[a] fruit

[q] frunt-

[a] forehead

[q] fulm-

[a] lightning

[q] fum-

[a] smoke

[q] fund-

[a] bottom, foundation

[q] gaj-

[a] gay, cheerful
(not meaning “homosexual”)

[q] gajn-

[a] win, gain, earn

[q] gant-

[a] glove

[q] gard-

[a] guard, protect,
keep safe

[q] gast-

[a] guest

[q] ge-

[a] both (all?) genders/sexes with plurals, as “parents”

[q] genu-

[a] knee

[q] glaci-

[a] ice

[q] glas-

[a] glass, cup

[q] glat-

[a] smooth, even

[q] glav-

[a] sword

[q] glit-

[a] glide, slip
(e.g. on ice)

[q] glor-

[a] glorify,

[q] glut-

[a] swallow
(act, not bird)

[q] gorĝ-

[a] throat

[q] grand-

[a] big, great

[q] gras-

[a] grease, fat

[q] grat-

[a] scratch

[q] gratul-

[a] congratulate

[q] grav-

[a] important, serious, grave

[q] griz-

[a] grey (color)

[q] gust-

[a] taste

[q] gut-

[a] drip

[q] ĝarden-

[a] garden

[q] ĝem-

[a] groan

[q] ĝentil-

[a] genteel, urbane

[q] ĝi

[a] it

[q] ĝis

[a] until

[q] ĝoj-

[a] rejoice,
be glad

[q] ha

[a] “ha!”,
“ah ha!”

[q] hajl-

[a] hail (weather)

[q] haladz-

[a] fumes, foul gas,

[q] halt-

[a] halt,
come to a stop

[q] har-

[a] hair (single strand)

[q] haring-

[a] herring

[q] haŭt-

[a] skin, hide

[q] hav-

[a] have

[q] hejt-

[a] heat,
make a fire

[q] help-

[a] help, aid

[q] herb-

[a] herb, grass

[q] hered-

[a] inherit

[q] hieraŭ

[a] yesterday

[q] ho

[a] “oh!”, “O!”

[q] hodiaŭ

[a] today

[q] hom-

[a] human being

[q] honest-

[a] honest

[q] hont-

[a] shame

[q] hor-

[a] hour

[q] horloĝ-

[a] clock

[q] hotel-

[a] inn, hotel

[q] humil-

[a] humble

[q] hund-

[a] dog

[q] -i

[a] infinitive ending
for verbs

[q] ia

[a] some kind of …

[q] ial

[a] for some reason

[q] iam

[a] sometime(s)

[q] id-

[a] child, offspring,

[q] ie

[a] somewhere

[q] iel

[a] somehow

[q] ies

[a] someone’s

[q] ig-

[a] cause to be,
cause to do

[q] iĝ-

[a] become something,
change state

[q] il-

[a] instrument or
tool for
a purpose

[q] ili

[a] they

[q] in-

[a] feminine

[q] ind-

[a] worthy, worthy of,
worth it

[q] infan-

[a] child

[q] ing-

[a] holder, sheath
for one item

[q] ink-

[a] ink

[q] instru-

[a] teach

[q] insul-

[a] island

[q] insult-

[a] insult, outrage

[q] -int-

[a] past active participle form of verbs

[q] intenc-

[a] intend

[q] inter

[a] between

[q] intern-

[a] internal

[q] invit-

[a] invite

[q] io

[a] something

[q] iom

[a] some (of),
some amount

[q] ir-

[a] go

[q] -is

[a] ending of past tense
for verbs

[q] ist-

[a] professional,

[q] -it-

[a] past passive participle form
of verbs

[q] iu

[a] someone

[q] -j

[a] inflectional ending
for plural nouns
and adjectives

[q] ja

[a] indeed, certainly, rather

[q] jam

[a] already

[q] jar-

[a] year

[q] je

[a] indefinite preposition used when no other is correct

[q] jen

[a] behold!

[q] jes

[a] yes

[q] ju … des …

[a] “the/the” as in e.g.
“the sooner, the better”

[q] juĝ-

[a] judge

[q] jun-

[a] young

[q] just-

[a] just, fair,

[q] ĵaŭd-

[a] Thursday

[q] ĵet-

[a] throw, cast

[q] ĵur-

[a] swear, take an oath

[q] kaf-

[a] coffee

[q] kaj

[a] and

[q] kajer-

[a] notebook, copy-book, workbook

[q] dummy card

[a] dummy definition

[q] kaldron-

[a] kettle,

[q] kaleŝ-

[a] coach, carriage

[q] kalkul-

[a] count, reckon

[q] kamen-

[a] hearth, fireplace

[q] kamp-

[a] field

[q] kanap-

[a] sofa

[q] kandel-

[a] candle

[q] kant-

[a] sing, song

[q] kap-

[a] head

[q] kapt-

[a] seize, catch

[q] kar-

[a] dear, valued,

[q] karb-

[a] coal

[q] kares-

[a] caress, fondle, stroke

[q] kaŝ-

[a] hide, conceal,

[q] kat-

[a] cat

[q] kaŭz-

[a] cause, give rise to

[q] ke

[a] that (conj.) e.g.
“he knows
that I am here”

[q] kelk-

[a] some, a few,
certain ones

[q] kest-

[a] box, chest

[q] kia

[a] what kind of

[q] kial

[a] why, wherefore,
for what reason

[q] kiam

[a] when

[q] kie

[a] where

[q] kiel

[a] how

[q] kies

[a] whose

[q] kio

[a] what

[q] kiom

[a] what amount,
how many

[q] kis-

[a] kiss

[q] kiu

[a] which, who

[q] klar-

[a] clear

[q] knab-

[a] boy, lad

[q] kok-

[a] rooster, cock, chicken

[q] kol-

[a] neck

[q] koleg-

[a] colleague

[q] kolekt-

[a] collect, gather

[q] koler-

[a] angry, anger

[q] kolon-

[a] column, pillar

[q] kolor-

[a] color

[q] komb-

[a] comb

[q] komenc-

[a] begin, beginning

[q] komerc-

[a] trade goods, deal in

[q] kompat-

[a] compassion,
have pity

[q] kompren-

[a] understand

[q] kon-

[a] know,
be familiar with
(a skill, language,
person, etc.)

[q] kondiĉ-

[a] conditions, terms, restrictions

[q] konduk-

[a] conduct, lead

[q] konfes-

[a] confess, profess, admit

[q] konsent-

[a] consent, agree, assent

[q] konserv-

[a] preserve, keep

[q] konsil-

[a] counsel, advice, advise

[q] konsol-

[a] console, comfort

[q] konstant-

[a] constant,

[q] konstru-

[a] construct, build

[q] kontent-

[a] satisfied, content

[q] kontraŭ

[a] against

[q] konven-

[a] suitable, fitting

[q] kor-

[a] heart

[q] korn-

[a] horn

[q] korp-

[a] body

[q] kort-

[a] courtyard, court

[q] kost-

[a] cost

[q] kovr-

[a] cover

[q] kraĉ-

[a] spit
(from the mouth,
not for cooking)

[q] krajon-

[a] pencil

[q] kravat-

[a] necktie

[q] kre-

[a] create

[q] kred-

[a] believe

[q] kresk-

[a] grow

[q] kret-

[a] chalk

[q] kri-

[a] scream,
cry out

[q] kron-

[a] crown, garland

[q] kruc-

[a] cross

[q] kudr-

[a] sew

[q] kuir-

[a] cook

[q] kuler-

[a] spoon

[q] kulp-

[a] guilt, fault

[q] kun

[a] with

[q] kupr-

[a] copper

[q] kur-

[a] run, course

[q] kurac-

[a] cure, heal

[q] kuraĝ-

[a] courageous, bold

[q] kurten-

[a] curtain

[q] kusen-

[a] cushion

[q] kuŝ-

[a] lie (e.g. in bed)

[q] kutim-

[a] customary, usual

[q] kuz-

[a] cousin

[q] kvankam

[a] although

[q] kvar

[a] four

[q] kvin

[a] five

[q] l’, la

[a] the

[q] labor-

[a] work, labor

[q] lac-

[a] tired, weary

[q] lakt-

[a] milk

[q] lam-

[a] lame

[q] lamp-

[a] lamp

[q] land-

[a] land, country

[q] lang-

[a] tongue
(not language)

[q] lantern-

[a] lantern

[q] larĝ-

[a] large, broad

[q] larm-

[a] tear(drop)

[q] las-

[a] let, leave, let go, allow

[q] last-

[a] last, latest

[q] laŭ

[a] according to,
in accordance with

[q] laŭd-

[a] praise, laud,

[q] laŭt-

[a] loudly, aloud

[q] lav-

[a] wash

[q] lecion-

[a] lesson

[q] leg-

[a] read

[q] leĝ-

[a] law

[q] leon-

[a] lion

[q] lern-

[a] learn

[q] lert-

[a] skillful, dextrous

[q] leter-

[a] letter, epistle

[q] lev-

[a] lift up, raise

[q] li

[a] he

[q] liber-

[a] free

[q] libr-

[a] book

[q] lig-

[a] link, bind,
connect, tie

[q] lign-

[a] wood

[q] lingv-

[a] language

[q] lip-

[a] lip

[q] lit-

[a] bed

[q] liter-

[a] letter (of alphabet)

[q] loĝ-

[a] dwell in, lodge

[q] lok-

[a] place, location, spot

[q] long-

[a] long

[q] lud-

[a] play (fun,
not drama)

[q] lum-

[a] light, shine

[q] lun-

[a] moon

[q] lund-

[a] Monday

[q] maĉ-

[a] chew

[q] magazen-

[a] storage, shop

[q] makul-

[a] spot, speck

[q] mal-

[a] opposite

[q] malgraŭ

[a] in spite of,

[q] man-

[a] hand

[q] manĝ-

[a] eat

[q] mar-

[a] sea

[q] mard-

[a] Tuesday

[q] mastr-

[a] master

[q] maten-

[a] morning

[q] matur-

[a] ripe, mature

[q] mem

[a] self

[q] memor-

[a] remember,
bear in mind

[q] merit-

[a] merit, deserve

[q] merkred-

[a] Wednesday

[q] met-

[a] put

[q] mez-

[a] middle

[q] mezur-

[a] measure

[q] mi

[a] I

[q] miks-

[a] mix, mingle

[q] mil

[a] thousand

[q] milit-

[a] war

[q] mir-

[a] astonishment, wonder

[q] mizer-

[a] misery, poverty

[q] moder-

[a] moderate, temperate

[q] modest-

[a] modest

[q] mol-

[a] soft
(opposite of hard)

[q] mon-

[a] money

[q] monat-

[a] month

[q] montr-

[a] show

[q] mord-

[a] bite

[q] morgaŭ

[a] tomorrow

[q] mort-

[a] die

[q] moŝt-

[a] “highness”, “majesty”, etc.
in styles/titles

[q] mov-

[a] move

[q] mult-

[a] much

[q] mur-

[a] wall

[q] murmur-

[a] murmur

[q] muŝ-

[a] fly (insect)

[q] -n

[a] inflection for accusative or direction

[q] naĝ-

[a] swim

[q] najbar-

[a] neighbor

[q] nask-

[a] give birth to,
bring forth

[q] naŭ

[a] nine

[q] naz-

[a] nose

[q] ne

[a] no, not

[q] nebul-

[a] fog, mist

[q] neces-

[a] necessary

[q] neĝ-

[a] snow

[q] nek … nek

[a] neither … nor

[q] nenia

[a] no kind of

[q] neniam

[a] never,
at no time

[q] nenie

[a] nowhere

[q] neniel

[a] in no way

[q] nenies

[a] no one’s

[q] nenio

[a] nothing

[q] neniu

[a] nobody, no one,
no one of which

[q] nep-

[a] grandson

[q] nev-

[a] nephew

[q] ni

[a] we

[q] nigr-

[a] black

[q] -nj-

[a] forms feminine
pet names

[q] nobl-

[a] noble

[q] nokt-

[a] night

[q] nom-

[a] name

[q] nombr-

[a] number

[q] nov-

[a] new

[q] nub-

[a] cloud

[q] nud-

[a] naked

[q] nuks-

[a] nut

[q] nun

[a] now

[q] nur

[a] only

[q] nutr-

[a] nourish,
nurse a child

[q] -o

[a] inflectional ending
for nouns

[q] obe-

[a] obey

[q] objekt-

[a] object

[q] obl-

[a] “-uple” on numbers
“three” -> “triple”

[q] obstin-

[a] obstinate, stubborn

[q] odor-

[a] smell
(give off an odor)

[q] ofend-

[a] offend, wrong

[q] ofer-

[a] offer

[q] oft-

[a] often

[q] ok

[a] eight

[q] okaz-

[a] happen, occur

[q] okul-

[a] eye

[q] okup-

[a] occupy, take

[q] ol

[a] than
(in comparison)

[q] ole-

[a] oil

[q] ombr-

[a] shadow, shade

[q] ombrel-

[a] umbrella, parasol

[q] on-

[a] makes fractions,
e.g. “four” -> “1/4”

[q] ond-

[a] wave

[q] oni

[a] one
(indefinite pronoun, as “one must …”)

[q] onkl-

[a] uncle

[q] -ont-

[a] future active participle form

[q] op-

[a] group form of number, e.g.
“3” -> “threesome”

[q] oportun-

[a] handy, convenient,

[q] or-

[a] gold

[q] ord-

[a] order

[q] ordinar-

[a] ordinary, typical, usual

[q] ordon-

[a] command, orders

[q] orel-

[a] ear

[q] -os

[a] future tense
ending of verbs

[q] ost-

[a] bone

[q] -ot-

[a] future passive participle form

[q] ov-

[a] egg

[q] pac-

[a] peace

[q] paf-

[a] shoot

[q] pag-

[a] pay

[q] paĝ-

[a] page (in book, etc.)

[q] pajl-

[a] straw (plant, fiber)

[q] pal-

[a] pale

[q] palac-

[a] palace

[q] palp-

[a] feel with hands, gently handle

[q] palpebr-

[a] eyelid

[q] pan-

[a] bread

[q] pantalon-

[a] trousers

[q] paper-

[a] paper

[q] pardon-

[a] pardon, forgive

[q] parenc-

[a] relative,
family member

[q] parker-

[a] by heart,
by memory

[q] parol-

[a] speak, talk

[q] part-

[a] part, portion

[q] pas-

[a] pass, go by

[q] pastr-

[a] priest, clergyman

[q] paŝ-

[a] step, stride

[q] patr-

[a] father

[q] pec-

[a] morsel, tidbit,

[q] pel-

[a] pursue, chase

[q] pen-

[a] try, endeavor

[q] pend-

[a] hang

[q] pens-

[a] think

[q] pentr-

[a] draw

[q] per

[a] by means of,

[q] perd-

[a] lose

[q] permes-

[a] permit, allow

[q] pes-

[a] weigh,
measure weight

[q] pet-

[a] ask for, request,

[q] pez-

[a] weigh,
have weight

[q] pi-

[a] pious

[q] pied-

[a] foot

[q] pik-

[a] prick, sting

[q] pilk-

[a] ball (for games)

[q] pingl-

[a] pin

[q] pir-

[a] pear

[q] plac-

[a] plaza, square
(in a town)

[q] plaĉ-

[a] please, satisfy,
give pleasure

[q] plafon-

[a] ceiling

[q] plank-

[a] floor of a room

[q] plej

[a] most (adv.)

[q] plen-

[a] full, complete

[q] plend-

[a] complain

[q] plezur-

[a] pleasure

[q] pli

[a] more (comparison)

[q] plor-

[a] weep, shed tears

[q] plum-

[a] feather, pen

[q] pluv-

[a] rain

[q] po

[a] “apiece”, distributes numbers; “__ 5” is
“5 apiece”

[q] polv-

[a] dust

[q] pom-

[a] apple

[q] pont-

[a] bridge

[q] popol-

[a] people, populace

[q] por

[a] for
(the benefit of)

[q] pord-

[a] door

[q] pork-

[a] pig, swine

[q] port-

[a] carry, wear

[q] post

[a] after

[q] postul-

[a] demand, require,

[q] poŝ-

[a] pocket

[q] poŝt-

[a] mail, post

[q] pot-

[a] pot

[q] pov-

[a] be able to,

[q] prav-

[a] be right,
have right opinion
or facts

[q] preĝ-

[a] pray

[q] prem-

[a] press, squeeze,

[q] pren-

[a] take, get,
lay hold of

[q] prepar-

[a] prepare

[q] pres-

[a] print
(e.g. with a press)

[q] preskaŭ

[a] almost

[q] pret-

[a] ready

[q] prezent-

[a] introduce, present,

[q] pri

[a] about, concerning

[q] printemp-

[a] spring (season)

[q] pro

[a] because of,
on account of

[q] profund-

[a] deep, profound

[q] proksim-

[a] near, close

[q] promen-

[a] walk, promenade

[q] promes-

[a] promise

[q] propon-

[a] propose,

[q] propr-

[a] one’s own,
one’s proper

[q] prov-

[a] try, test,
try out,

[q] prudent-

[a] prudent,

[q] prunt-

[a] borrow, lend,

[q] pulv-

[a] gunpowder

[q] pulvor-

[a] powder

[q] pun-

[a] punish

[q] pup-

[a] doll

[q] pur-

[a] clean, pure

[q] puŝ-

[a] push

[q] putr-

[a] rot, putrify

[q] rad-

[a] wheel

[q] radi-

[a] spoke, radius;

[q] radik-

[a] root

[q] rakont-

[a] relate a story,

[q] ramp-

[a] crawl, creep

[q] rand-

[a] edge,
border, brim

[q] rapid-

[a] rapid, swift, fast

[q] raz-

[a] shave

[q] re-

[a] again, re-

[q] reg-

[a] reign, govern

[q] regn-

[a] kingdom, realm

[q] regul-

[a] rule, regulation,

[q] reĝ-

[a] king

[q] rekt-

[a] straight, direct

[q] rekompenc-

[a] reward,

[q] renkont-

[a] meet (with)

[q] renvers-

[a] overthrow, topple,
pull down

[q] respond-

[a] answer

[q] rest-

[a] remain, stay

[q] ricev-

[a] receive

[q] riĉ-

[a] rich, wealthy

[q] rid-

[a] laugh

[q] rigard-

[a] look at,

[q] ring-

[a] ring
(circle, not sound)

[q] ripet-

[a] repeat

[q] ripoz-

[a] repose,
take a rest

[q] river-

[a] river

[q] romp-

[a] break

[q] rond-

[a] circle

[q] rost-

[a] roast, toast

[q] roz-

[a] rose

[q] ruĝ-

[a] red

[q] sabat-

[a] Saturday

[q] sabl-

[a] sand

[q] saĝ-

[a] wise, sage

[q] sak-

[a] sack, bag

[q] sal-

[a] salt

[q] salt-

[a] jump, spring

[q] salut-

[a] greet, salute

[q] sam-

[a] same

[q] san-

[a] health, soundness

[q] sang-

[a] blood

[q] sankt-

[a] holy, sacred

[q] sap-

[a] soap

[q] sat-

[a] satiated, full

[q] sav-

[a] save

[q] sci-

[a] know (facts)

[q] se

[a] if

[q] sed

[a] but

[q] seĝ-

[a] chair, seat

[q] sek-

[a] dry

[q] sem-

[a] sow, plant

[q] semajn-

[a] week

[q] sen

[a] without

[q] senc-

[a] sense, meaning

[q] send-

[a] send

[q] sent-

[a] feel, perceive,

[q] sep

[a] seven

[q] serĉ-

[a] look for,
search for

[q] serpent-

[a] snake, serpent

[q] serur-

[a] lock

[q] serv-

[a] serve,
do service

[q] ses

[a] six

[q] sever-

[a] strict, severe

[q] si

[a] 3rd person reflexive
pronoun: oneself,
themselves, etc.

[q] sid-

[a] sit

[q] sigel-

[a] seal
(on a document or symbol, not animal)

[q] sign-

[a] sign

[q] signif-

[a] signify

[q] silent-

[a] silent

[q] simil-

[a] similar, resembling
(not “same”)

[q] simpl-

[a] simple, uncomplicated

[q] sinjor-

[a] sir, lord,

[q] skrib-

[a] write

[q] sku-

[a] shake, shock

[q] sobr-

[a] sober

[q] societ-

[a] society, club,

[q] soif-

[a] thirsty

[q] sol-

[a] sole, unique, only

[q] somer-

[a] summer

[q] son-

[a] sound

[q] sonĝ-

[a] dream
(during sleep)

[q] sonor-

[a] buzz, hum

[q] sort-

[a] chance, destiny,

[q] sovaĝ-

[a] savage, wild

[q] spec-

[a] species, kind

[q] spegul-

[a] mirror

[q] spir-

[a] breathe, breath

[q] sprit-

[a] witty

[q] stal-

[a] stable, stall

[q] star-

[a] stand

[q] stel-

[a] star

[q] stomak-

[a] stomach

[q] strat-

[a] street

[q] sub

[a] under, beneath,
below, down

[q] subit-

[a] sudden

[q] suĉ-

[a] suck

[q] sufer-

[a] suffer

[q] sufiĉ-

[a] enough, sufficient

[q] suk-

[a] juice

[q] suker-

[a] sugar

[q] sun-

[a] sun

[q] sup-

[a] soup

[q] super

[a] above, over

[q] supr-

[a] above, at the top,
up (adv.)

[q] sur

[a] on, upon

[q] surd-

[a] deaf

[q] surtut-

[a] coat

[q] ŝajn-

[a] seem, appear

[q] ŝancel-

[a] totter, stagger, sway

[q] ŝanĝ-

[a] change

[q] ŝaŭm-

[a] foam, froth

[q] ŝel-

[a] shell

[q] ŝerc-

[a] jest, joke

[q] ŝi

[a] she

[q] ŝip-

[a] ship

[q] ŝir-

[a] tear, rip

[q] ŝlos-

[a] lock

[q] ŝmir-

[a] smear, spread

[q] ŝpruc-

[a] spout, sprinkle

[q] ŝnur-

[a] rope, cord,

[q] ŝpar-

[a] spare, save,

[q] ŝrank-

[a] cupboard, cabinet

[q] ŝtal-

[a] steel

[q] ŝtel-

[a] steal

[q] ŝtof-

[a] cloth, fabric,

[q] ŝton-

[a] stone

[q] ŝtop-

[a] stop up,
plug up

[q] ŝtrump-

[a] stocking

[q] ŝtup-

[a] stair, step

[q] ŝu-

[a] shoe

[q] ŝuld-

[a] owe, debt

[q] ŝut-

[a] dump out,
pour out

[q] ŝvel-

[a] swell, expand

[q] ŝvit-

[a] sweat

[q] tabl-

[a] table

[q] tabul-

[a] board, plank,

[q] tag-

[a] day

[q] tajlor-

[a] tailor

[q] tamen

[a] however,

[q] tapiŝ-

[a] carpet, rug

[q] taŭg-

[a] suitable, fitting

[q] te-

[a] tea

[q] tegment-

[a] roof

[q] teler-

[a] plate
(for food,
not printing)

[q] temp-

[a] time
(dimension, not

[q] ten-

[a] hold

[q] tent-

[a] tempt

[q] ter-

[a] earth

[q] terur-

[a] terror, terrible

[q] tia

[a] that kind of

[q] tial

[a] for that reason,

[q] tiam

[a] then,
at that time

[q] tie

[a] there,
at that place

[q] tiel

[a] thus,
in that manner

[q] tim-

[a] fear

[q] tio

[a] that (thing)

[q] tiom

[a] that much,
that amount

[q] ties

[a] that one’s

[q] tir-

[a] pull, draw

[q] tiu

[a] that one
(who, which)

[q] tol-

[a] linen

[q] tomb-

[a] tomb, grave

[q] tond-

[a] shear, cut hair

[q] tondr-

[a] thunder

[q] tra

[a] through

[q] traduk-

[a] translate

[q] tranĉ-

[a] cut

[q] trankvil-

[a] quiet, tranquil, calm

[q] trans

[a] across, over

[q] tre

[a] very, greatly

[q] trem-

[a] tremble, shake,

[q] tren-

[a] tow, drag

[q] tri

[a] three

[q] trink-

[a] drink

[q] tro

[a] too, excessively

[q] tromp-

[a] deceive

[q] trov-

[a] find

[q] tru-

[a] hole

[q] tuj

[a] immediately

[q] tuk-

[a] handkerchief

[q] tur-

[a] tower

[q] turment-

[a] torment

[q] turn-

[a] turn

[q] tus-

[a] cough

[q] tuŝ-

[a] touch, lay hand on

[q] tut-

[a] whole, total,

[q] -u

[a] inflectional ending
for the imperative
of a verb

[q] uj-

[a] container for

[q] ul-

[a] a person with a

[q] um-

[a] indefinite affix;
meaning varies
by word

[q] ung-

[a] nail

[q] unu

[a] one

[q] urb-

[a] city

[q] urs-

[a] bear

[q] -us

[a] inflectional ending for the conditional verb form

[q] util-

[a] useful

[q] uz-

[a] use,
put to use

[q] vaks-

[a] wax

[q] van-

[a] vain, fruitless

[q] vang-

[a] cheek

[q] vapor-

[a] vapor, steam

[q] varm-

[a] warm

[q] vast-

[a] vast, spacious,

[q] vaz-

[a] vessel, vase

[q] vek-

[a] awake, awaken

[q] velk-

[a] fade, wither

[q] ven-

[a] come, arrive

[q] vend-

[a] sell

[q] vendred-

[a] Friday

[q] venen-

[a] poison, venom

[q] venĝ-

[a] revenge, avenge

[q] venk-

[a] vanquish, defeat

[q] vent-

[a] wind

[q] ventr-

[a] belly

[q] ver-

[a] true, truth

[q] verd-

[a] green

[q] verk-

[a] work, composition, opus

[q] verm-

[a] worm

[q] verŝ-

[a] pour, shed,

[q] vesper-

[a] evening

[q] vest-

[a] clothe, clothes

[q] veter-

[a] weather

[q] vetur-

[a] journey, travel

[q] vi

[a] you

[q] viand-

[a] meat, flesh

[q] vid-

[a] see

[q] vilaĝ-

[a] village

[q] vin-

[a] wine

[q] vintr-

[a] winter

[q] violon-

[a] violin

[q] vir-

[a] man, male

[q] viŝ-

[a] wipe

[q] vitr-

[a] glass

[q] viv-

[a] live

[q] vizaĝ-

[a] face, visage

[q] voĉ-

[a] voice

[q] voj-

[a] way

[q] vok-

[a] call

[q] vol-

[a] will to, wish, want

[q] vort-

[a] word

[q] vost-

[a] tail

[q] vund-

[a] wound

[q] zorg-

[a] take care (of),
provide for

[x] [restart]
