The Bornless Ritual: Interlinear Translation


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96. στηλη του ιεου του ζωγρ εισ
97. την επιστολην

στηλητου ιεουτου ζωγρ(αφου)1
steeleetu ye-ootu zografu
(or zografumenu?)
inscription, steleof Ieuthe painter; the hieroglyph-scribe
written, drawn
Inscription of Ieu2, the scribe, in the letter he wrote.3

1 ζωγρ-? Multiple sources read this as ζωγραφου “painter, scribe, hieroglyphist”, but Goodwin reads it as ζωγραφουμενου “drawn, painted”. Given this, a reading of the whole title could be “Stele of Ieu, written in the letter”.

Ieu. Betz renders this Jeu; English speakers are likely to mispronounce this like the word “Jew” instead of more like “you”, so I have chosen the “I” version. The name Ιεου is also given to the Primal Man in some Gnostic works (see King, The Gnostics and their Remains, page 351), but since he is here called “the scribe”, he may be assumed to have been a normal human being of that name.

in the letter he wrote.  Calling it “his letter” is evidently an innovation of Preisendanz, followed by Betz; the word here is literally “the” letter, not “his” letter.  “He wrote” seems to be supplied by context; otherwise, what letter are we talking about? “The” letter.

Section A. “The Oath”

98. σε καλω τον ακεφαλε τον κτισαν~
99. τα τα γην και ουρανον τον κτισαντα
100. νυκτα και ημεραν σε τον κτισαν~
101. τα τα φως  και σκοτος συ ει οσοροννω~
102. φρις ον ουδεις ειδε πωποτε συ
103. ει ιαβας συ ει ιαπως συ διεκρει~
104. νας το δικαιον και το αδικον συ ε~
105. ποιησας θηλυ και αρρεν συ εδει~
106. ξας σποραν και καρπους συ εποι~
107. ησας τουσ ανθρωπους αλληλοφι~
108. λειν και αλληλομισειν

σεκαλωτον ακεφαλετον κτισαντατα γηνκαι ουρανον
sekaloton akefaleton ktisantata yeenke uranon
TheeI callthe Headless Onethe creatorof the Earthand heaven
I invoke Thee,  the Headless One, the maker of Earth and Heaven,
τον κτισαντανυκτα και ημερανσετον κτισαντατα φωςκαι σκοτος
ton ktisantanikta ke himeranseton ktisantata foske skotos
the creatorof night and daytheethe creatorof lightand darkness
the maker of night and day; Thee, the maker of light and darkness.
συ ειοσοροννωφριςονουδειςειδεπωποτε
si eeosoronnofrisonuðeeseeðepopote
thou artOsoronnophris1whomno onehas seenever
Thou art Osoronnophris, whom no one has seen at any time.
Thou art Iabas; Thou art Iapos.
συ διεκρειναςτο δικαιονκαι το αδικονσυ εποιησαςθηλυκαι αρρεν
si ðiekrinasto ðikeonke to aðikonsi epeisastheelyke arren
thou hast distinguishestthe justand the unjustthou makestfemaleand male
Thou hast distinguished between the just and the unjust.  Thou makest female and male.
Thou hast revealed the seeds and the fruit.  
συεποιησαςτουσ ανθρωπουςαλληλοφιλεινκαιαλληλομισειν
siepeisastus anthropusalleelo-fileenkealleelo-miseen
thoumakesthuman beingsto love each otherandto hate each other
Thou makest human beings to love one another and to hate one another.

Osoronnophris. Hellenized from Egyptian Wesir Wen-nefer or Un-nefer, “Osiris the Perfect One.”

Section Aa.

108. (cont.) εγω ειμι
109. μουσης ο προφητης σου ω παρεδω~
110. κας τα μυστηρια σου τα συντελου~
111. μενα ϊστραηλ συ εδειξας ϋγρο
112. και ξηρον και πασαν τροφην ε~
113. πακουσον μου εγω ειμι αγγελος
114. του φαπρω οσοροννωφρις του~
115. το εστιν σου το ονομα το αληθινο
116. το παραδιδομενον τοις προφητ
117. ιστραηλ

εγω ειμιμουσηςο προφητηςσουπαρεδωκας
ego eemimuseesho profitissuhopareðokas
I amMosesthe prophetof theeto whomthou delivered
I am Moses, thy prophet, unto whom thou didst reveal     
τα μυστηριασουτασυντελουμεναϊστραηλ1 
ta mistiriasutasintelumenaistra’eel 
the mysteriesof theethecelebratedof Israel 
thy mysteries, the ceremonies of Israel.     
συεδειξαςϋγρο(ν)και ξηρονκαι πασαντροφην
sieðixashigronke ksironke pasantrofeen
thourevealestmoistand dryand everyfood
Thou hast revealed the moist and the dry, and all kinds of nourishment.
επακουσονμουεγω ειμιαγγελοςτου φαπρωοσοροννωφρις
epakusonmuego eemiangelostu faproosoronnofris
Hear thoumeI ammessenger2of Phapro3Osoronnophris
Hear thou me, for I am a messenger of Pharaoh Osoronnophris.
τουτο εστινσου το ονοματο αληθινο(ν)το παραδιδομενοντοις προφητ(αις)ιστραηλ
tuto estinsu to onomato alithinonto paraðiðomenontois profitesistra’eel
this isof thee the name(the) true(the) handed overto the prophetsof Israel
This is thy true name, handed down to the prophets of Israel.

1 ϊστραηλ. Goodwin (1852) says “I have not been able to find any other examples of this capricious mode of spelling Ισραηλ“. That was before the 1868 publication of Codex Vaticanus which includes the tau spelling, and the so-called Halbturn Amulet (found in Austria in 2008) which does likewise.

2 Messenger. The Greek word αγγελος means “messenger”, but is also the source of the word “angel”, because angels are the messengers of God. Goodwin and Crowley have chosen “angel” as the translation for the word.

3 Phapro. Generally believed to mean “the Pharaoh”, the ruler of Egypt.  The word comes from Egyptian pa per-aa, “the Great House”, used euphemistically of the king and his position in much the same way the Office of the President of the USA might be referred to as “The White House said today …”

Section B. “Air.”

117. (cont.) επακουσον μου αρ[…]
118. θιαω ρειβετ αθελεβερσηθ α[…]
119. βλαθα α(λ)βευ εβενφ(χ)ι  χιτασ(γ)οη ιβ[…]
120. θ ιαω εισακουσον μου και αποστρεψο[…]
121. το δαιμονιον τουτο

Hear me: [magical names]
[magical names]
εισακουσονμουκαιαποστρεψο[ν]το δαιμονιοντουτο
eesakusonmukeapostrepsonto ðemoniontuto
hearmeandturn back, put awaythe demonthis
Hear me, and drive away this demon.     

Arbathiao. Crowley and Goodwin have αρ … θιαω Ar Thiao.  Close inspection of the torn corner of the MS. shows a portion of letter after the Rho consistent with a Beta, and the name Arbathiao is known from other texts in the Greek magical corpus.  Preisendanz doesn’t even regard the Beta as doubtful, and writes “Αρβ[α]θιαω” (brackets in Preis.).

Ara, Blatha. Goodwin and Crowley have simply A instead of Ara here; however, ΑΡΑΒΛΑΘΑ is the name of a Syrian city mentioned in Josephus, and Preisendanz and Betz interpolate it as that word.

Albeu. Pronouncing this word is difficult.  Not only is the Beta problematic in this word (is it B or V?) but so is the -ΕΥ.  Classically that is a diphthong, but by the 4th century it was reaching its modern weirdness as a vowel-consonant pair -ef-ev (compare ευαγγελος, which is the source of the English evangel-). Additionally, the Lambda is written above the rest of the line; conventionally, this means the scribe slipped and skipped it when writing the word, then went back to add it. Crowley and Goodwin preserve Abeu.

Ebenphchi, Chitasgoe.  The Χ in Ebenphchi is written above the line, as is the Γ in Chitasgoe.  Goodwin omits those letters (as with Albeu above) and renders these two names (so given by Betz) as three: ΕΒΕΝ, ΦΙ, ΧΙΤΑΣΟΗ.  Crowley turns Goodwin’s Eben into Ebeu to match A(l)beu, and turns Goodwin’s Phi, Chitasoe into PhI-ThETA-SOE as though it were spelled ΦΙ, ΘΙΤΑΣΟΗ to make it fit his interpretation.

Ibaoth, IAO. Here Goodwin gives us ΙΒ … ΘΙΑΩ Ib … Thiao (ellipsis in Goodwin). Crowley as usual follows Goodwin.  Preisendantz interpolates missing letters torn at the end of the line: ΙΒ[ΑΩ]~ΘΙΑΩ. The torn portion, based on the margins of the complete edge, could indeed accommodate an Α after the ΙΒ; an additional Ω after that might be problematic, unless written over the missing Α.

Section C. “Fire.”

121. (cont.) επικαλουμε σε
122. τον εν τω κενω πνευματι δεινον
123. και αορατον θεον αρογογοροβραω
124. σοχου μοδοριω φαλαρχαω οοο
125. αγιε ακεφαλε απαλλαξον τον ΔΙ
126. απο του συνεχοντος αυτον δαιμον

επικαλουμε σετονεντῳκενῳπνευματι
epikalume setonentokenopnevmati
I call upon theetheintheemptyspirit
I call upon thee, the one in the empty void of spirit1
δεινονκαι αορατονθεοναρογογοροβραωσοχουμοδοριω
ðenonke aoratontheonarogogorovraosokhumoðorio
awesome, terribleand invisiblegodArogogorobraoSochouModorio
the awe-inspiring and invisible god. [magical names]
falarkhaooh oh ohayieakefaleapallaxon 
Phalarchao2OOOholy3headless onerelease, deliver 
[magical names]. Holy Headless One, deliver
τον ΔΙαποτουσυνεχοντοςαυτονδαιμον[ος]
ton ðeenaapotusinekhontosaftonðemonos
this personfromtheafflictionof the saiddaimon
this person from the affliction of this demon.

the empty void of spirit. Goodwin has “… the terrible and invisible god residing in the empty wind” (ΠΝΕΥΜΑ can indeed mean “wind”, “breath”, as well as “spirit”, “soul”). Crowley turns that into “the Terrible and Invisible God: Who dwellest in the Void Place of the Spirit”.  Betz has “… god with an empty spirit.”

Smyth tells us that the preposition ΕΝ can indeed mean “with”, either as a means or instrument (“to see with the eyes”), or meaning “in the power of, in the hands of”, as in “the matter rests with God”.

Reiling, in Hermas and Christian Prophecy, notes that Hermas and Irenaeus use the phrase to refer to the false prophecies of pagans, while asserting that in the PGM the phrase “indicates the place where the invoked god is, and denotes a cosmological concept”. Reiling cites Preisendanz and notes a parallel with another phrase in the PGM (P VII, line 961), εν τωι στερεωι πνευματι, en to stereo pnevmati, “in solid air/spirit/wind/space”.

Preisendanz has “der du in leeren Luftraum bist” (“you who are in empty airspace”).  Regarding the “solid” parallel noted by Reiling, Preisendanz (re P VII, 961) had cited Reitzenstein as saying “feste Luft, Umwallung des Kosmos” (“solid air, encirclement of the cosmos”).

I have chosen “void” here since it conveys the sense of an empty space and has a bit of an “unusual, weird” connotation to it, befitting it as a region in the spiritual realm.

Phalarchao. The MS. has an additional αρ written above the -αρ- already in the word.  The word’s own -αρ- is a little damaged, but far from illegibly so; perhaps the scribe was clarifying what (s)he meant in the slightly damaged spot.  Preisendanz notes: “das erste αρ war beschädigt oder (aus αι?) korrigiert, daher wohl die Überschriebung” (“the first αρ was damaged or corrected (from αι?), therefore the proper writing above”).

holy. The MS. is somewhat more damaged here. Goodwin reads the word as απε, treating it as an untranslated name, and this is what Crowley uses.  Kenyon has this reading as well. Preisendanz and Betz read Goodwin’s π as γι (especially given that the scribe writes Gamma in the “angular” rather than “loop” form: ΓΙ is easily confused for Π).  I adopt the αγιε reading, which allows the word to be translated as “holy”, describing the Headless One.

Section D. “Water.”

127. >ρουβριαω μαριωδαμ βαλβνα~
128. βαωθ ασσαδωναι αφνιαω ι[…]
129. θωληθ αβρασαξ αηοωυ ισχυρε
130. ακεφαλε απαλλαξον τον ΔΙ απο του
131. συνεχοντος αυτον δαιμονος

[magical names]
Abrasax4AEOOYmightyheadless onerelease, deliver 
[magical names]. Mighty Headless One, deliver
τον ΔΙαποτουσυνεχοντοςαυτονδαιμονος
ton ðeenonapotusinekhontosaftonðemonos
this personfromtheafflictionof the saiddemon
this person from the affliction of this demon.

1 >ρουβριαω. The MS has the “>” sign before the word.

Assadonai. Goodwin has ασσαλοναι, and Crowley preserves the Lambda in his reading (“ASAL-ON-AI”). It’s unclear if the Lambda is a misreading by Goodwin or a simple typo at the print shop, but the MS (q.v.) has a very clear bottom line for the letter, making it a Delta, which Kenyon, Preisendanz, and Betz have.  Preisendanz in fact divides it into two words (αϲϲ ‘Αδωναι).  The latter component is of course Adonai, “my lord”, the euphemistic name for the Hebrew god.

I[ao] Tholeth. The MS has Ι…/ΘΩΛΗΘ.  Here my ellipsis indicates an odd lacuna which appears to be rubbed out rather than torn away, with a bit of a letter visible at the bottom of it, and the slash indicates a line break.  Kenyon interpolates the -ao for the lacuna. Most sources do not make Kenyon’s leap here, and have ΙΘΩΛΗΘ either as one word or broken as Ι, ΘΩΛΗΘ.  Preisendanz uses ΙΘΩΛΗΘ, but notes “am Schluß ein Buchst[abe] ausradiert (θ?)” (“at the end [of this line] a letter is rubbed out (θ?)”).

The first Theta at the start of the next line protrudes out into the left margin of the page; it is to the left of where the other lines on the page begin.

My guess is: The scribe wrote a letter other than Theta by mistake after the Iota, ending the line with it, and then began the new line with ΩΛΗΘ, then realized the mistake, erased the incorrect letter after Iota, and inserted the correct Θ into the left margin of the next line instead of writing it over the erased spot at the end of the first line.  See the digitized version of the MS.

Abrasax is a common name in Gnostic and magical texts, used variously for an Archon or Aeon or other very powerful entity. It has the value 365. When mentioned by Latin writers such as Irenaeus it is often transposed to Abraxas.

Section E. “Earth.”

131. (cont.) μα
132. βαρραιω ιωηλ κοθα αθορηβα~
133. λω αβραωθ απαλλαξον τον ΔΙ

[magical names]
απαλλαξοντον ΔΙ    
apallaxonton ðeenon    
release, deliverthis person    
Deliver this person.

Next page: Interlinear Translation Part Two: Section F (Spirit) to Section Gg (The Attainment)