A letter from our correspondent


Recent events of a medical nature notwithstanding, your humble Correspondent wishes to make known his renewed Will to transform the course of events in his Local Universe, or in the Parlance of the day, to “shake things up a bit”. Operations to this end have already commenced, and additional ones are planned, upon the completion of our Convalescence.

Unquestionably, this Calendar Year has been one of surpassing Greyness and Dullness; yet we are resolved, with Our Lady’s help and by our own virtù, to take up once again The Great Work for the Enlightenment of myself and those who sincerely and earnestly seek the assistance of my Talents and Knowledge, meagre though they assuredly are, to that end.

I have the honor to remain
Your humble Correspondent,
J. Tondorf Ritter

Post script. It is now said in the Public Houses that I “can no longer be stopped by conventional weapons” and “no longer need the Weirding-Module.” I present such rumors for the amusement of my Readers with no further comment.  — J.T.R.