The Bornless One improved

In the original Bornless papyrus the purpose is not invocation of the HGA, but invocation of the gnostic deity to exorcise an evil spirit from a possessed person. At one point in the GD/Thelemic version we have:

This is He […] King, Ruler and Helper. Hear Me, and make all spirits …

But in the original version, at that point, the magician is asking the deity to help the afflicted person:

This is He […] King, Ruler and Helper. Save this soul …

It occurred to me that we could keep to the structure of the original, but the purpose of the modern version, by adding a simple phrase:

This is He […] King, Ruler and Helper: indwell my soul! Hear Me, and make all spirits …

Then I found that “indwell my soul” = “Dominus Liminis”, or “Lord of the Threshold” — the GD/AA title for one who is on the verge of attaining the knowledge and conversation of their HGA.

I guess that answers that.